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Video Surveillance

Keeping you safe

The Timmins and District Hospital (TADH) strives to ensure the safety, protection and privacy of all who come for care and to the many who visit, work, learn and volunteer at our sites. Our buildings have several security measures, including patient wandering systems, security patrols, alarms, and emergency response procedures.

Indoor and outdoor environments are monitored by video surveillance cameras. The personal information collected by the use of the video surveillance cameras at this site is collected under the authority of the Public Hospitals Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.40 for the purpose of promoting personal and public safety and the prevention or response to crime, including theft and damage to property.

If you have questions about the collection of this information, please contact the Privacy Officer at

TADH’s privacy practices are governed by the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). In accordance with these Acts, we collect information through recorded images using our video surveillance system.

Why Video Surveillance?

The information collected by video surveillance is used and provided for the sole purpose or as reasonably necessary to:

  • Enhance the safety and security of patients, staff, physicians, volunteers, visitors, and property
  • Undertake emergency response procedures.
  • Conduct risk management activities.
  • Deter, detect, and assist in investigations, as required.
  • Plan, administer, and manage our internal operations.
  • Locate you and your family member in urgent/emergent situation.
  • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Fulfill other purposes as permitted or required by law.
  • As required by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

Video surveillance does not occur in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as washrooms and change rooms.


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