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Addiction Services

Supporting Patient Addiction Treatment Options

Addiction Medicine Consult Team

The Addiction Medicine Consult Team (AMCT) is a team of physicians, registered nurses and social workers who are available 24/7 for patients staying at the Timmins and District Hospital (TADH). This team provides patient-centered and trauma-informed care using a harm reduction approach, supporting treatment options for admitted patients and referrals to community-based services.

The AMCT works with patients who have substance use and/or opioid use disorders. They work closely with patients to develop a plan that works the best for them.

Referral Steps

Patients are referred by a member of their TADH care team.

Community Withdrawal Management

The Community Withdrawal Management Service (CWMS) is supported by our in-house Mobile Withdrawal Management team, bringing services and supports directly to the patient. This program connects patients with a care team made up of nurse practitioners, registered nurses and social workers, creating a care plan for those who don’t wish to withdraw in a treatment facility or hospital. This outreach service provides safe, supportive treatment for individuals who are experiencing substance withdrawal within the Cochrane District.

We bring the withdrawal management service to you. This flexibility enables individuals to be supported through their withdrawal at home, in the home of a loved one, shelter, or any place they are residing.

Referral Steps

Patients can be referred in the following ways:

  • Health care provider referral
  • Self-referral
  • Safe Health Site Timmins

Inpatient Acute Withdrawal Management Unit

Responding to the needs of our community and district, TADH opened the Inpatient Acute Withdrawal Management Unit (WiMU). Providing an alternative to residential withdrawal and treatment, this unit supports several types of withdrawal management and treatment beds including:

  • Inpatient withdrawal management
  • Residential treatment

This program provides a trauma-informed environment where individuals receive supportive care, counselling, medication monitoring and transition planning. Our team of physicians, nurses and social workers works to develop the plan that will support each individual.

Your stay in the WiMU includes a single or shared room, access to shower and meals provided.  For more information on how to prepare for your stay please visit the Patient Information page.

Referral Steps
  • Health care provider referral
  • Self-referral by attending the TADH Emergency Department
  • Safe Health Site Timmins

TADH Trends