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Quality Safety

Quality Care Focused

Delivering outstanding patient care means ensuring that each patient benefits from the highest quality and safest care possible. As a result, everyone at TADH is focused on quality and safety.

Patient Quality

TADH is committed to delivering excellent patient care that is based on quality and safety. We want to ensure our health care services are consistent with the needs of the patients, families and communities that we serve. While our programs and services evolve, our priority stays the same – continuously improve to ensure a safe, high-quality care experience.

Working Together

Our entire organization, including our Board of Directors and our front-line health care professionals, works together to create a culture that supports safe, quality care. We do this through a number of formalized documents and plans you will find in sections and others pages on this website.

Use the navigator to find those sections and pages that relate to quality safety at the TADH.

Bringing Feedback Forward

We value your input and are committed to addressing your concerns. If you have feedback, start by trying one of the following.

  • Talk to a staff member who is with you. Ask for a response if you have a concern.
  • Request to speak with a Program or Department Manager.
  • If you are still concerned after speaking with staff or the program/department manager you may contact the director of Quality & Patient Safety in writing at

Excellent Care for All Act

In keeping with the Ontario Government’s Excellent Care for All Act, the TADH is pleased to share its Patient Declaration of Values. The patient declaration of values will help the TADH continue to put patients first and move toward patient centered care by clarifying what our community can expect from us as their hospital.

We, the employees, physicians and volunteers of the TADH, are committed to providing each patient with the world-class care, exceptional service and compassion that we would want for our loved ones. We hold ourselves accountable to high standards that are observable, measurable and apply to all departments and each and every role across our hospital.

Patient Declaration of Values

The content of this document is based on feedback received from various patient and community groups as well as the TADH staff and physicians. For more information contact Natalie Carle, Patient Relations Delegate at 705-267-2131 ext. 2193 or email

Patient Safety Tips

As part of its commitment to patient safety, the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, has recently launched a Patient Safety Tips Campaign. Patients have an important role to play at each stage of their care and the five safety tips will serve to encourage them to be more involved in their health care.

The Five Patient Safety Tips
  • Be involved in your health care. Speak up if you have questions or concerns about your care.
  • Tell a member of your health care team about your past illnesses and your current health condition.
  • Bring all of your medicines with you when you go to the hospital or to a medical appointment.
  • Tell a member of your health care team if you have ever had an allergic or bad reaction to any medicine or food.
  • Make sure you know what to do when you go home from the hospital or from your medical appointment.
Patient Safety Resources

For more information on the Patient Safety Tips Program, please visit the Ontario Hospital Association’s website, or refer to the following documents and links.


TADH Trends