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About Us

We are TADH

The Timmins and District Hospital (TADH) is a fully accredited (Accreditation Canada) referral and teaching hospital. It meets the health care needs of a diverse local population of about 41,000, serving the people of the City of Timmins, and a catchment area of 110,000, serving those living in the Cochrane District as well as the adjoining areas of the James and Hudson Bay coast, Temiskaming, Sudbury and Algoma districts.

TADH offers a wide range of services including medical, surgical, critical care, maternity, newborn, pediatric, long-term care, mental health services, addiction, rehabilitation, complex continuing care, and oncology.

TADH operates 215 beds and employs more than 1,000 people, in addition to 88 physicians. The hospital is a leader in utilizing state-of-the-art telecommunications and diagnostic equipment to connect physicians and staff to medical practitioners and specialists throughout Canada.

TADH is the largest hospital within its catchment area, and the only one in the area that is considered a teaching (acute academic), large community, complex continuing care and rehabilitation, and mental health and addictions hospital. Partnerships are the foundation to the TADH approach to care, working closely with health-related organizations across the province to best meet the needs of people living here.

TADH is designated by the French Language Services Act to provide services in French with about 43% of the population identifying as Francophone (4% in Ontario) within in service area. With 21% of the population identifying as Indigenous (3% in Ontario), TADH has a close working relationship with Weeneebayko Area Health Authority (WAHA) along the James and Hudson Bay coast, and regularly receives and cares for patient who live in remote coastal communities. Providing care for urban Indigenous people and those who live in one of the 15 First Nation communities, TADH also has strong partnerships with urban Indigenous health-related organizations.

Strategic Planning

As the health care system continues to transform to better meet the needs of Ontarians, so does the role of TADH within the region’s health care system. As we look to the future, we have developed a strategic plan that will guide our strategic decisions into 2027 and beyond.

Past to Present

TADH was incorporated in 1988 following the amalgamation of the two hospitals (St. Mary’s General and Porcupine General) within the City of Timmins. In November 1993, the newly constructed TADH opened with the transfer of all patients and staff from the St. Mary’s site. In March 1996, the chronic care/rehabilitation services of TADH, provided at the Porcupine General site, were moved to the new site of TADH. Since April 1996, all services provided by TADH have been available at one site.

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