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Media Relations

The Timmins and District Hospital (TADH) recognizes the media as an important partner in helping us enhance the public’s understanding of the hospital’s programs, services and facilities. In addition, we have a responsibility to the news media to provide information of public interest. However, we must balance the media’s interest with our responsibility to protect patients’ rights to privacy and confidentiality, including the right not to be interviewed or photographed without their written consent. 

Being in hospital is a stressful time for patients and their families. Our first priority is to provide compassionate, quality care our patients and support families during their time of need.  Patients and their families may not wish to have media involved, and we ask that the media please respect their wishes.

Communications Team

Our aim is to support your search for news about the hospital, and to deliver information in a clear and transparent manner. We will make every effort possible to meet the deadlines set out by the journalists, however our staff and experts may not be available in a given time frame. In addition, staff and physicians have the right to refuse requests for interviews. 

Media is asked to contact the Communications TEAM to facilitate
  • Interviews with patients and/or families.
  • Interviews with board members, senior leadership team members, physicians, staff, volunteers, and students.
  • Request for hospital access.
  • Audio or video recording, filming or photography on hospital property.
Please Direct Media Inquiries to

Phone: 705-267-2131

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