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Community Care & Rehab

Community Care Overview

The Timmins and District Hospital (TADH) is dedicated to delivering exceptional health care to Timmins and surrounding areas. Our Community Care program extends this commitment by providing home visits, chronic disease management, and palliative care. Through a collaborative and patient-centered approach, we ensure continuous, personalized support, enhancing the quality of life for our patients and their families.

Supported by a team of visiting and in-house specialists, TADH hosts a number of specialty clinics. With a focus on providing quality care as close to home as possible, these clinics help reduce patient travel for those living in Timmins and the Cochrane District. Clinics are independently scheduled around specialist availability and clinic dates may vary.

Clinics Include
  • Outpatient Cancer Clinic
  • Dermatology Clinic
  • General Medicine Clinic
  • Minor Surgery Clinic
  • Neurology Clinic
  • Orthopaedic Clinic
  • Pacemaker Clinic
  • Pediatric Development Clinic
  • Physical Medicine Clinic
  • Pre-Admission Clinic
  • Rheumatology Clinic
  • Secondary Stroke Prevention Clinic
  • Urology Clinic

Have a Question?

Due to a high volume of patient calls, we ask that patients leave one voicemail. The Specialty Clinic Clerk prioritizes calls based on date of appointment and referral status. Responses to general inquiries about referral status may receive a delayed response.

Phone: 705-267-2131 ext. 6016

The Diabetes Education Program at TADH provides education and support for adults and children who are newly diagnosed with diabetes and pre-diabetes. This program helps patients navigate services and provides important clinical support with a multi-disciplinary team of registered nurses, dietitians and social workers through an outpatient clinic.

Support provided can include glucometer training, nutritional and weight loss counselling and individualized diabetes management plans. Our team focuses on creating patient-centered care, helping you minimize your symptoms and delay or prevent the onset of diabetes complications.

Have a Question?

Phone: 705-267-2131 ext. 6016
Fax: 705-360-6400

The Fracture Clinic at TADH provides medical and rehabilitative supports for patients living with problems resulting from orthopedic injuries. Our Fracture Clinic team follows up with patients who require a cast or follow-up fracture care.

Fracture Clinic Hours
  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 

Have a Question?

Due to a high volume of patient calls, we ask that patients leave one voicemail. The Specialty Clinic Clerk prioritizes calls based on date of appointment and referral status. Responses to general inquiries about referral status may receive a delayed response.

Phone: 705-267-2131 ext. 2178

The North East Joint Assessment Centre (NEJAC) is a service offered by TADH in partnership with participating hospitals in the North East: Health Sciences North, North Bay Regional Health Centre, Sault Area Hospital, West Parry Sound Health Centre and Manitoulin Health Centre. Upon receiving the referral, NEJAC staff will contact the patient to set up a consultation with the advanced practice physiotherapist. Acting as a liaison between patients and their health-care provider, they will conduct a comprehensive musculoskeletal assessment followed by treatment options that make sense.

If it is determined that surgery is required, patients are given a choice between a preferred surgeon or the next available surgeon thereby reducing the wait time. If the patient is not ready or if surgery is deemed to be unnecessary, a comprehensive plan of care will be established allowing patients and their doctor or nurse practitioner to manage the symptoms.

If you suffer from hip, knee or shoulder pain, ask your doctor today about the NEJAC.

Have a Question?

Phone: 705-267-2131 ext. 6186
Fax: 705-360-6695

Referrals & Resources

Rehabilitation Overview

The Rehabilitation department strives to meet the rehabilitation needs of inpatient and outpatient clients of TADH. Our team includes occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech-language pathologists and rehabilitation assistants. The rehabilitation team provides supports the following programs.

Inpatient Services

The Outpatient Physiotherapy program uses exercise, hands-on care, and education to help patients recover, reach mobility goals and manage their physical health in their home.

Our physiotherapy team helps patients
  • Recover from post-operative joint replacements
  • Recover from stroke
  • Recover from fractures
We Manage and Help Reduce the Impacts of
  • Acute orthopedic conditions
  • Complex neurological disorders
  • Lymphedema
  • Pelvic floor concerns

Outpatient Physiotherapy Program Hours
  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Have a Question?

Phone: 705-267-6394

Referrals & Resources
The Outpatient Physiotherapy Program is currently accepting priority referrals for
  • Post-operative joint replacements
  • Stroke
  • Fractures
  • Acute orthopedic conditions
  • Complex neurological disorders and conditions requiring both occupational therapy and physical therapy services
  • Specialized clinics for lymphedema and pelvic floor rehabilitation

All additional referrals will be accepted and placed on a priority-based waiting list.

The TADH Outpatient Occupational Therapy (OT) Program helps promote health and well-being for our patients. Our OT team helps support patients following an acquired brain injury to navigate and manage difficulties they may have with their functional abilities.

The OT Program creates individual patient-centered care and treatment plans to help patients reintegrate in the community and reclaim functional independence in activities of daily living. Our team works hard to help our patients achieve their goals.

Our team helps provide
  • Assessment
  • Treatment
  • Education
Rehabilitation goal planning in the areas of
  • Self-care
  • Productivity and household activities
  • Sports, hobbies, and other leisure activities

Outpatient Occupational Therapy Program Hours
  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to  4:00 pm

Have a Question?

Phone: 705-267-6394

Referrals & Resources

The Outpatient Occupational Therapy Program is currently accepting referrals for:

  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Neurological Rehabilitation
  • Hand Therapy
  • Cognitive Assessments
  • Driving Screens

TADH’s Speech-Language Pathology Program supports adult patients with communicating effectively and eating/swallowing safely. Our speech-language pathologists are health professionals who help identify, diagnose and treat communication and swallowing disorders.

Our team helps support
  • Swallowing
    • Bedside screening assessments
    • Modified Barium Swallow Study
    • Swallowing treatment
  • Neurogenic speech and language disorders
    • Assessment and treatment of brain injury (stroke, aneurysm, etc.)
    • Language comprehension and expression
    • Motor speech skills
    • Cognitive communication skills

Speech-language pathologists are health professionals who identify, diagnose and treat communication and swallowing disorders across the lifespan. At TADH, speech-language pathology services are limited to the adult population. Outpatient speech-language pathology services include formal and informal assessment and intervention for communication and swallowing disorders including language comprehension and expression, motor speech skills and cognitive communication skills.  

Speech-Language Pathology Program Hours
  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Have a Question?

Phone: 705-267-6394
Fax: 705-267-6308

Referrals & Resources

Responding to the needs of our community and district, the Locum Ophthalmology Clinic opened its doors in March 2023, expanding the availability of ophthalmology services.

Through the support of visiting specialists, the clinic provides
  • Exams for general ophthalmology concerns (including glaucoma, drug toxicity screening and diabetes screening)
  • Laser procedures
  • Cataract surgery

In September 2023, the clinic announced a strategic partnership with the University of Toronto’s Kensington Eye Institute, expanding services and teaching opportunities in the North. Faculty ophthalmologists, joined by senior residents completing their studies at the university, work collaboratively with TADH staff to see patients in clinic and provide on-call coverage to Timmins and the district.

Have a Question?

Phone: 705-267-2131


TADH Trends