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Keeping You Educated

The Timmins and District Hospital (TADH) has collaborated with SeamlessMD to provide surgical patients with a free digital education tool that is accessible on mobile devices. This tool will help guide patients throughout their healthcare journey with education, and reminders to support recovery and to help keep patients on track.

SeamlessMD | Program launch timeline
  • Hip replacement surgery
  • Knee replacement surgery
  • Thyroid surgery
  • Transurethral prostate
  • Resection surgery
  • Kidney stone surgery
  • Hysterectomy surgery
  • C-Section surgery
  • Colorectal surgery
  • Breast surgery
  • Hernia surgery
  • Shoulder surgery
  • Cataracts surgery
  • Gallbladder surgery
  • Mental Health (anxiety and depression)

Program Successes

1176 Patients participated in the program in 2024 — Self reported data indicates that:
  • 96% of patients would recommend SeamlessMD.
  • 96% of patients reported that SeamlessMD helped them feel more confident before surgery.
  • 40% of patients reported that SeamlessMD prevented 1 or more calls to the hospital.
  • 18.29% of patients reported that SeamlessMD prevented 1 or more visits to the hospital.
  • 87.47% of patients reported that SeamlessMD helped them feel more confident at home after surgery


When Patients are Asked What They Like Most About this Online Program, they told us:
  • They motivate me.
  • It helps to remind you what you need to do daily.
  • Information was helpful; reminders were good to have.
  • I like the reminders… even though you know you have to do the exercises, the reminders help to keep you focused.
  • The weekly recap at the end of each entry.
  • The program provides helpful guidance on who to call if required after surgery.
  • It made me feel as if someone was checking in on me.
  • That it is accessible whenever I need it. I was also impressed how someone responded when they seen there could be an issue. Thank you!
  • Not feeling alone. And the calls once they saw my answer to the daily question. There was someone actually following you.
  • Information about before and after the surgery is always good to have. My questions were answered.
  • It is a great reference tool.
  • Easy access to information about self assessment and what to do before surgery.
Frequently Asked questions

SeamlessMD is a free, interactive, step-by-step, digital patient education tool that can easily be accessed through a mobile app on a smartphone, tablet, and/or online through a website on a computer.

The SeamlessMD education tool has been customized by TADH to provide surgical patients with the information needed to prepare for and to recover from surgery. It can also support mental health patients who are waiting for services to begin. 

SeamlessMD is a nurse-led program, which provides additional supports to patients.

Patients receive personalized, automated feedback on how to self-manage concerns based on their input. Nurses also have access to alerts and dashboards to monitor patients remotely and address patient concerns earlier, leading to better patient experiences and health outcomes. Patients are encouraged to reach out to the TADH Seamless team at any time for additional support

SeamlessMD is available to any patient undergoing the following surgical procedures:

  • Hip replacements
  • Knee replacements
  • Thyroid surgery
  • Transurethral prostate
  • Resection surgery
  • Kidney stone surgery
  • Hysterectomies
  • C-Sections
  • Colorectal surgeries
  • Breast surgeries
  • Hernia surgeries
  • Shoulder surgeries
  • Cataracts (eye surgery)
  • Mental Health (anxiety and depression)

SeamlessMD is available for many surgical procedures offered at TADH, with plans to continue to expand services.

This service allows up to two people to sign up, which can include the patient or a support person/caregiver. In the event that a support person signs up without the patient, only one account is permitted.

The support person/caregiver can receive the same notifications, thereby providing additional support to the patient.

SeamlessMD has been customized by TADH to improve the quality of care for patients and their families before and after surgery. As mentioned, patients and/or caregivers can easily access the tool from a smartphone, tablet, or computer. They are guided before and after surgery with reminders and education to help them follow the recovery plan prescribed by their surgeon.

SeamlessMD will guide patients through two stages of the procedure; broken down into pre-operative phase (before surgery) and post-operative phase (after surgery).


  • Phase-messages to help patients prepare for their procedure.
  • Reminders and a To Do list to help patients prepare for their procedure.
  • Access to a self-care library with information on different topics.


  • Phase-Messages about what to expect with the recovery period.
  • To do list to help patients heal well at home.
  • Daily health checks to make sure patients are recovering well at home and to provide feedback on recovery.
  • A library of useful resources to answer patients’ questions and help manage recovery at home.

Note: SeamlessMD is not monitored 24/7 by the healthcare team. If patients have a serious concern, they should contact their healthcare team/surgeon’s office.


A member of the TADH Seamless healthcare team member will contact patients to ask if they’d like to sign up for SeamlessMD. You will need an email address to start this process. If patients do not have an email address or are not comfortable using technology, they can provide the email address of a caregiver instead. The caregiver can access the program for the patient and help them use it.


Patients can also call 705 267-2131 ext. 4880 to enroll in the program.


Patients will get a welcome email from They click on the link in the email to activate their account and choose a password.


  • Computer or tablet: visit the SeamlessMD website to log in
  • Mobile phone: download the SeamlessMD app from the Google Play or Apple App Store
  • Username is the email address provided to the healthcare team
  • Tablet loan program available

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