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Quality Planning

Striving for Excellence

At the Timmins and District Hospital (TADH), quality and safety are our top priorities. As part of our commitment to these priorities, we do our best to ensure patients receive appropriate, consistent health care in a clean and safe environment, in which they are treated with respect.

For you, as a patient, it means that you get the care you need, when you need it. It also means that you are treated in a supportive, caring, and clean hospital.

Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)

In compliance with the Ontario Government’s Excellent Care for All Act, which came into law in June 2010, the TADH is pleased to share its Quality Improvement Plan. Submitted to the Ontario Health Quality Council, the TADH’s publicly reported plan outlines improved targets in the areas of safety, effectiveness, access and patient-centeredness.

To achieve its goal of providing high quality, evidence-based care and services, the TADH is focusing on several key areas. These include measures to improve patient satisfaction and reduce wait times in the Emergency Department,  as well as reduce the time patients spend waiting in acute care for discharge when they no longer need a hospital bed. Other measures focused on patient safety include improved hand hygiene, reduced rates of C. Difficile, and other infections.  In addition, TADH is working to improve hospital effectiveness by reducing unnecessary re-admissions and preventable deaths. Operating effectively as an organization also means continuing our longstanding record of balancing our budget.

The TADH’s Quality Improvement Plan helps us to
  • Deliver high-quality and safe health care.
  • Improve your experience at the TADH.
  • Define our accountabilities and responsibilities to you.
  • Communicate and interact with you in an open, transparent way.
For more information, please refer to the following documents
Previous QIPS and Reports

TADH Trends