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Guiding our decisions

Committees are an important part of good governance practice and help ensure that the diverse voices of our community are considered throughout all stages of program development and delivery.

Committees of the Board

Following the established board policies and bylaws, the Board Governance Committee is tasked with the oversight of governance-related issues for TADH’s Board and its committees.

Phone: 705-267-2131 ext. 6050

The Board Quality and Safety Committee analyses and monitors key information related to the quality of services provided at TADH. This committee provides important guidance and review, helping ensure the continued provision of safe, quality patient care for Northerners.

Phone: 705-267-2131 ext. 6050

The Resource Planning and Utilization Committee provides oversight and guidance for all resource planning projects at TADH.

Phone: 705-267-2131 ext. 6050

Other Committees

Timmins and District Hospital (TADH) is supported by our Patient and Family Advisory Committee, a committee that ensures that the voices of our patients and their loved ones are heard and included across our organization. This committee provides vital feedback from the eyes and experience of the patient and family as we build and improve new and existing programs and services.

Our Patient and Family Advisors
  • Meet monthly to review initiatives that directly affect patient care.
  • Connect directly with programs, services, committees and working groups to offer a patient or family member perspective.
  • Help develop, through feedback, patient and caregiver focused materials.
  • Review and provide important feedback on projects (including construction and renovation), processes and policies.
  • Participate in focus groups to ensure the patient and family experience is captured appropriately.
  • Participate in walkabouts/hospital tours with the Senior Leadership Team to hear directly from staff, physicians, and patients.
  • Support our Accreditation and Strategic Planning processes.

How do I become a Patient and Family Advisor?

If you, or a loved one, has received care at TADH in the last three years, we’d love to have your voice on our committee! We’re looking for Patient and Family Advisors with diverse experiences and backgrounds who:

  • Have a passion for helping improve the health care experience for our patients and families in our community and district.
  • Love sharing their ideas and experiences to help us and others learn from them.
  • Respect the perspectives and lived/living experience of those around the table.
  • Are interested in participating in committee work and lending their voice to TADH.
  • Are over the age of 18.

To receive a copy of the Patient Experience Advisory Committee Application form please either fill out the form or contact us by phone at 705-267-2131 ext. 2409 or by email at We’ll get back to you within 2-3 business days.

Patient and Family Advisory Committee
Current members include
  • Armida Millions – Patient and Family Advisor
  • Denise Brunet – Patient and Family Advisor
  • Jenna Wilson
  • Kate Fyfe
  • Natalie Carle
  • Rachhpinder Sidhu – recorder
  • Sara-Jane Hunter
  • Sylvie Lamarche-Lacroix – Patient and Family Advisor

In May 2023, the Diversity, Equity, Social Accountability, Inclusion and Anti-Racism Committee met for the first time, comprised of both TADH staff and physicians, as well as members of our diverse community. The committee ensures the work to advance health equity provides an important lens on current and future program and service development and delivery at TADH.

Email: or
Phone: 705-267-2131 ext. 6386 or 2405

The Indigenous Advisory Committee provides vital guidance and feedback on program and service development and delivery at the Timmins and District Hospital.

Phone: 705-267-2131 ext. 2819

The Timmins and District Hospital (TADH) is a designated agency under the French Language Services Act. Its French Languages Services Committee helps ensure the TADH provides communities, patients, employees, and volunteers with the highest quality of French language services on a continuous basis.

Specific responsibilities of the Committee include
  • To provide strategic advice to the President and CEO and to help TADH achieve and maintain compliance with the designation criteria under Ontario’s French Language Services Act.
  • To review FLS designation recommendations of the Ministry of Health and support the implementation of compliance follow-ups.
  • To review and update the Hospital’s French Language Service Designation Plan as required.
  • To advise on policies and procedures which facilitate the provision of quality French language health services.
  • To review compliments and complaints received by TADH with regards to French language services.
  • To advise on initiatives that help to enhance access to hospital services by French-speaking residents living in communities served by the Timmins and District Hospital.

Phone: 705-267-2131 ext. 2193


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