Surgical Wait Times

Launched in 2004, Ontario’s Wait Time Strategy was originally developed to improve access to five key health services with a goal to reducing wait times for these areas: cancer surgery, cardiac procedures, cataract surgery, hip and knee replacement and MRI and CT scans. The strategy has since evolved – expanding to include all surgeries performed in Ontario and a new strategy being developed to reduce emergency room (ER) wait times. These strategies have been supported through significant investments to increase the number of surgeries and procedures being delivered, implementing new initiatives to improve ER processes and creating a system of accountability through transparent reporting of wait time information.

Please visit  the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care website to obtain TADH's data on wait times.

Please note that cancer surgery is part of every specialty and cancer surgery wait-times are reported to Cancer Care Ontario according to cancer site (type). You can find these wait times on the Cancer Care Ontario website.